미래희망기구의 소식 입니다.
제21기 유엔 전문가 교육 4일차 소식 알려드립니다.
8월 7일부터 학생들은 대사관 및 유엔 본부에서 진행되는 교육을 시작했습니다.
그 첫 걸음은 주유엔대한민국대표부 방문이었습니다. 대표부에서 학생들은 유엔 내 한국의 위상, 앞으로의 도전 과제, 유엔 입부 등에 대한 강연을 들었습니다. 이후 대한민국의 공무원인 외교관과는 또 다른 유엔 종사자의 역할, 우크라이나 전쟁에 대한 대표부의 입장 등에 대해 질의응답 시간을 가졌습니다.
Hello. We would like to share updates from the fourth day of the 21st Training Program (TP) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Starting from August 7th, the students commenced their education at the embassies and the United Nations Headquarters. Their first step was a visit to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations. At the mission, the students listened to a lecture about Korea's status within the UN, upcoming challenges, and the esteemed works as an elected member of the UN Security Council. Following that, they engaged in a Q&A session with diplomats, exploring the role of UN professionals like them and the mission's stance on the Ukraine conflict.
점심식사를 마치고는 유엔 본부 입장을 위해 첫 스크리닝을 진행하였습니다. 유엔 본부는 입국 못지않게 엄격한 출입 제한이 있지만 미래희망기구 청소년 대표는 유엔공보국(UN Department of Global Communication: UN DGC)의 협조를 통해 출입증을 발급받을 수 있었습니다.
After lunch, they proceeded with the initial screening for entering the UN Headquarters. The UN headquarters has strict access restrictions akin to entering a country, but through the cooperation of the UN Department of Global Communication (UN DGC), the Hope to the Future Association youth representatives obtained the necessary entry permits.
본부에서의 첫 일정은 유엔 투어였습니다. 학생들은 유엔 투어 전문가의 인도를 따라 유엔 총회실을 비롯한 곳곳을 직접 방문하고 역사를 배웠습니다. 마침 대부분의 회의실이 공개 중이어서 많은 장소를 눈으로 보고 견문을 넓힐 수 있었습니다.
Their first activity at the headquarters was the UN tour. Led by expert tour guides, the students visited various places including the General Assembly Hall, immersing themselves in history. Since most of the conference rooms were open to the public that day, they had the opportunity to explore and broaden their horizons.
투어를 마친 후 두근대는 마음으로 첫 번째 유엔 전문가 강연을 들었습니다. UNODA의 전문가 Takashi Mashiko 강연자 분을 통해 SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions에 대해 배울 수 있었습니다. 특히 강연자 분께서는 자신의 경험과 함께 풍성한 이야기를 나누어주셨습니다.
After the tour, they attended their first UN expert lecture. Takashi Mashiko, an expert from the Office for Disarmament Affairs, delivered a lecture on SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. The speaker shared rich insights from his experience based on his expertise in conventional arms, making the lecture engaging and insightful. Furthermore, a special program was introduced for youth activists, focusing on enabling youth to participate in UN ODA activities.
(English Translation)
Starting from August 7th, the students commenced their education at the embassies and the United Nations Headquarters. Their first step was a visit to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations. At the mission, the students listened to a lecture about Korea's status within the UN, upcoming challenges, and the esteemed works as an elected member of the UN Security Council. Following that, they engaged in a Q&A session with diplomats, exploring the role of UN professionals like them and the mission's stance on the Ukraine conflict.
Their first activity at the headquarters was the UN tour. Led by expert tour guides, the students visited various places including the General Assembly Hall, immersing themselves in history.
After the tour, they attended their first UN expert lecture. Takashi Mashiko, an expert from the Office for Disarmament Affairs, delivered a lecture on SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. The speaker shared rich insights from his experience based on his expertise in conventional arms, making the lecture engaging and insightful. Furthermore, a special program was introduced for youth activists, focusing on enabling youth to participate in UN ODA activities.
[Note: The translation provided is a summarized version of the original text.]